My First Heading

My first paragraph.

This is a link

Image of two colourful birds perched on a branch together

I am testing how to use
line breaks in html.

This should be purple now.

This should say I'm testing titles/tooltips

Remember to quote all attribute values!
(a href="link here")
All HTML elements can have attributes.

Use HTML headings for HEADINGS ONLY.

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5
Heading 6

^ Testing line breaks! (they work!)

And now the (pre) element!

Every Hell will have its Heaven.

Divinity is made for balance

Constructed by the minds of men

In hopes of granting solace.

(They work too!)

CSS is part of HTML. Property and Values in a style are CSS.

This should have a blue background now!

This is a pink heading

This is a red paragraph.

This is a blue heading

This is a red paragraph

This is Verdana

This is Courier

This is size 300% heading

This is a size 160% paragraph

Centered Heading

Centered paragraph.

this is bold
this text is important.
This is italicized.
this is emphasized.
This is small!
This is how you mark text.
My favorite colour is blue red.
This is subscripted text.
This is superscripted text.

This is a quote from (insert website here):

This is where the quote is and where information regarding the quote will be placed. I'm rambling ehre to try and create a sizable chunk of text to make the quote. The link just leads back to google for the sake of a convenient site link for the blockquote.

If I need to quote something I can just put quotation marks around it using this.

The WHO was founded in 1948.

This text will be written from right to left

This text has a border.